BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V2.0.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:www.mysite.com_1_528 DTSTAMP:20170901T100020 DTSTART:20180606T094000Z DTEND:20180606T101000Z CATEGORIES:KALENDER Startseite, KALENDER Aktuelles, KALENDER Studierende, KALENDER Lehrende, KALENDER Mitarbeitende SUMMARY:LunchTalk: Modern Times – Afraid of Process Management? DESCRIPTION:LunchTalks are brief events offered three times a semester entirely within the lunch break\, thus enabling the entire Beuth community to attend. LunchTalks concern captivating topics of Education\, Society\, Business\, Science and Engineering that last 15-20 minutes with additional time for discussions.\r\n\r\nModern Times - Afraid of Process Management?\r\n\r\nAs an entrepreneurial tool Process Management can provide clear aims and conserve on resources through the optimization of daily operations. How can the Beuth University profit from employing this tool in performing its own operations to the benefit of students\, teachers and administration? Come and find out how!\r\n\r\nDipl.-Geogr. Anke Cremer\, Consultant for Organizational Management/Process Management\r\n\r\nEarlier LunchTalks\r\n\r\nTo watch earlier LunchTalks - like last semester's "Surviving the next Artificial Intelligence Wave" by Stefan Edlich\, "The Future of Research at Universities of Applied Sciences" by Sebastian von Klinski\, and "When Sliderules Ruled the Engineering World" by Stefan Heimann - go to the following website:\r\n\r\ LOCATION:Haus Gauß, Raum 545 ORGANIZER;CN="Fachbereich I": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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