BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V2.0.0//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:www.mysite.com_1_382 DTSTAMP:20160829T080620 DTSTART:20180523T094000Z DTEND:20180523T101000Z CATEGORIES:KALENDER Aktuelles, KALENDER Studierende, KALENDER Studieninteressierte, KALENDER Lehrende, KALENDER Mitarbeitende SUMMARY:LunchTalk: Virtual Mobility Goes International: Benefits for Students and Teachers DESCRIPTION:LunchTalks are 30-minute events offered three times a semester during Wednesday lunch breaks\, thus enabling everyone to attend. Presentations last 15-20 minutes with additional time for discussions. LunchTalks concern captivating topics regarding Education\, Society\, Business\, Science and Engineering.\r\n\r\nVirtual Mobility Goes International: Benefits for Students and Teachers\r\n\r\nThere is great potential for Virtual Mobility to contribute to the internationalization of higher education by dramatically reducing barriers to the physical mobility of students and teachers\, in particular through Open Education online courses\, resources\, and open credentials. The Beuth University is blazing a trail into the future of everyone's access to education through its Erasmus+ strategic partnership program entitled Open Virtual Mobility. Study the Future with us!\r\n\r\nProf. Dr. Ilona Buchem (Communication and Media Sciences\, Dept. I)\r\n\r\nEarlier LunchTalks\r\n\r\nTo watch earlier LunchTalks - like last semester's "Surviving the next Artificial Intelligence Wave" by Stefan Edlich\, "The Future of Research at Universities of Applied Sciences" by Sebastian von Klinski\, and "When Sliderules Ruled the Engineering World" by Stefan Heimann - go to the following website:\r\n\r\ LOCATION:Haus Gauß, Raum B 545 ORGANIZER;CN="Fachbereich I": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR

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